Tag Archives: Thiago Serpa

Sure Happy It’s Thursday

Well, not quite as good as TGIF, is it…

There’s been a lot of news about a bail out for GM and the other ‘big’ three automakers. In the middle of it was a good piece on NPR about the Tesla electric sports car. (Looks fun to drive, doesn’t it?) Apparently everyone knew two things about electric cars before the Tesla – they sucked, and they were dead. The story went on to say

“They were dead because California, under pressure from Detroit, had dropped the electric car from its zero-emissions mandate, and the Big Three manufacturers — Ford, Chrysler and General Motors — immediately shut down their electric-vehicle operations. GM recalled and crushed all of the cars it had dubbed the Ev1.

Spot the irony? It’d be different if, while asking for our money, the executives pledged not to penalize the workers for their own short-sightedness, to stop going after short term gain and not long term vision, and to maybe stop jacking the average consumer around. After all we are all in this together, aren’t we?

Another irony–it would appear that the GOP, often accused of favouring big corporations, are against this bail out, at least in the form the car companies would like it, and the Democrats are for it. However, I wouldn’t put it past our free-market friends to have some angle on all this–I’d put money on the compromise being better than the original deal.

Soon, Bush will be gone. Just keep repeating that to yourself; it’s better than Prozac.

In Other News

Not a lot really. Apparently I’m too foul-mouthed for the moderator on my South African forum, so that’s that. I’ve been suspended, but really, I think I’ll give them a bit of a wide berth for a while. All I said was that I had no sympathy for any church or group feeling consequences of the backlash swirling around Prop 8’s passage and that if you piss on me better get yourself a towel. I even spelled it p*ss. Oh, well. I seem to be p*ssing people off a lot lately.

Honestly, I don’t think this law suit will work, and I feel very sad about that, but I do think that my marriage won’t be quashed. At least I hope not. However, we can always go to Connecticut or Massachusetts.

Gorgeous Gavin Newsom was on Attractive Anderson Cooper last night, expressing more hope than certainty that right will be done. I always find it inspiring when a straight man, trained possibly to revile us gay ones, can be so supportive. Anderson has been supportive in the past too.


I Have No Witty Segue

But here’s a couple of behind-the-scenes shots of our strapping sailor, Adam Baldwin, filming the Poseidon Adventure. Must just go and make sure I’ve got it on my Netflix queue…pa3pa4maybe going down with the ship might not be such a bad thing.

Now, I May Have a Few Fans

Who were concerned about seeing so much of Thiago Serpa, recently, in his underware. While that’s not an unalloyed shame (and he certainly has nothing to be ashamed of!), I do take possible comments like this to heart and so, if you were indeed distressed by the expanses of tighty-whities, here are some views of him you might find less upsetting.


(How could you not be pleased with that?)

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Filed under Culture, Cute Guys, Politics, South Africa

The Gulf

The gulf between what I should do and what I actually do continues to yawn. I didn’t go to the gym this afternoon, or yesterday. 😦 Your gentle comments of disapproval would actually be welcomed.

Especially since C and I are going away for the weekend – to celebrate that I’ve not turned my toes up for another year. Not sure if I’ll get a chance to at least do cardio.

We’re going to the New Jersey shore (Somers Point) via the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, thence to Lambertville, NJ, and also to see New Hope, PA, and thence home on Sunday. (I take my breath away with multiple thences.) I hope the weather is not too horrible. We may ‘pop’ into Philly to take another stab at either Geno’s or Pat’s to get a cheese steak. Wish us luck!!!

Do You Believe in Tragic?

Well, that may be an exaggeration but I have been feeling very badly for some good friends of mine, K and D and my godson J. It seems like no matter what, life always deals them some blow that would crush me, but somehow, and I wish I knew how, just so I could bottle it, they manage to be optimistic, to carry on, and to be the locus of kindness in our little circle of friends. Lately they’ve had to contend with a botched window replacement on their house, their pool being colonized by horrible indestructable algae rendering it useless for most of summer, and now their car may have been totalled. I wish I could help them, and I wish that I could be as forward-looking as them. I don’t know about wanting to be as kind as they are – that’d be a real change in my personality. I might not know myself. But then, all my friends are good people. I’m utterly blessed and lucky and grateful that I have them. I often wonder whether, say I’d moved to Atlanta or Boston, as seemed a possibility, I’d find good friends there, and I doubt it.

This is how good they are. Years ago, when I was still a young management analyst intern, I was away from home and all alone in Atlanta on a training course on my birthday. My friends flew down from Maryland to see me. So I pick them up at the airport and take them to my hotel and they come up to the room I’m in. D (the gentleman) announces he’s not feeling well and needs to go down to the gift shop in the lobby to see if they have any medicine that might help. He’s gone ages, and I am getting worried, but K insists that he’s just found somebody to talk to or something and I shouldn’t go off looking for him. Then, in walks D with a big birthday cake, candles, and chilled champagne for me; they’d arranged it with the hotel before setting out. I still remember the way I felt – so grateful and warmed. I feel sorry for everyone who doesn’t have K and D and J and KW and CK as friends. They’re missing out.

Somebody Who Does Get His Exercise



Is Adam Baldwin. Here he is proving it, and looking as happy to do it as I am to see it! And because hirstute or glabrous, I find his chest fabulous, here’s a mash-up of his pecs. God, I even write gay, don’t I? He does hang rather well, as I see it…

Speaking of Having Less and Less On

Here’s our Brazilian Boy, Thiago Serpa, showing us that not only a shirt isn’t really necessary when you’ve the looks to carry it off.


(I so can’t believe I’m noting this but he looks a little cocky in the last one, doesn’t he?)


Filed under Cute Guys, Exercise, Friends, Fun and Relaxation


Yes, I have to dedicate myself to this and henceforth I will try to blog at least every day, even if it’s only a short phrase or two, a pithy or otherwise observation to show that I care about my readers (which I do of course!).

So let’s see, since my last update

nnp14freedomtrainerSunday was a lazy day around the homestead. Monday I went to work but as it was a “DONSA” (day of no scheduled activity) none of the military and only a few civilians were in. My next-door-cubicle friend GG even wore jeans. He looks better in jeans, sort of boyish, even though he’s four years older than me. Because we were let out 59 minutes early (supervisors can dismiss employees up to but not including one hour early) I went over to the gym (very little EC) and did sixty minutes.

Today I went to the gym really early and did quite a bit, upper body (less shoulders and much chest) and lower body (less hip abductors and adductors). Tomorrow it’ll be just cardio on the treadmill.

I need to try out shrugs, rotator cuffs and prone flyes at home (in the privacy thereof) AND to figure out how to use the ‘freedom trainer‘ at the gym. I did find this one exercise that looks pretty useful, but since the darn thing’s right in front of everyone, I have to be ready to swing the arms just perfect pretty much instantly or look a right pillock. Does anyone have any advice?

Here’s the exercise I found. Whaddaya think?


Movies You Should Watchstrange-fruit

One:  Back Soon. It’s really good, and a lovely twist on Ghost and Prelude to a Kiss. You have to overlook some rather badly developed characters and some stilted dialogue, but other than that, the plot is more developed and inventive than a lot of gay-themed indies.

Two:  Strange Fruit: Although you can see the ‘twist’ a mile off, and although I don’t really think southerners are quite as nasty as portrayed, this is a good film with some palpable tension and a handsome lead (Kent Faulcon).

I’ll have a few more recommendations (commandments really!) later.

In Keeping With the Military Theme of the Day

Here are some shots of our hunky Mr. Baldwin, from “Full Metal Jacket” and “Independence Day.” This post is pretty eye candy intensive but after the last few days I think that some of the billions…well…some of my fans might appreciate some relaxing/distracting images of manflesh on the hoof as it were:


Is it me or does South African singer Bok Van Blerk look a bit like a younger Adam Baldwin?


Go, go, Thiago!

Here, Thiago Serpa shows us how a baseball cap can set a handsome lad off just right….


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Filed under Culture, Cute Guys, Exercise, Resolutions, Work

Never Rains But It Pours

Two posts in as many days??

Well, what could be the reason for all this AngloAm-erficness? Just that I wanted to catch you up on a few things….

Thing One

I did gain weight – about three pounds. 😦 So this week has to be better. Luckily nobody brought in any Halloween candy. And Weight Watchers has a new website geared to my iPhone that will make entering my points values easier on the fly. So that’s good. I did 45 minutes today at the gym, very little eye candy except Happy Dave..and then the guy in the green shirt on the shots below who wasn’t a bit difficult to look at…

Green EC at the gym 1 More of the EC img_0062 img_0066

(Click on any to see him get bigger and bigger, the big lug.)

Thing Two

I am sooo bored at work. If I don’t get something meaningful to do soon, I’ll go berserk and run amok. Today I worked, actually worked for about fifteen minutes. The rest of the day, seven hours and forty-five minutes I spent surfing the net. And since it’s at work, I couldn’t even surf porn, for goodness’ sake. I have started applying for other jobs. Thing is, once you get into one of these underutilized ruts, you start to get used to doing nothing so you actually sort of resent work intruding on your plans for wasting time, and your skills and familiarity and self-confidence go down the tubes. What do you think – should I tell my boss?

Thing Three

Adam Baldwin – yes, it’s time for a delightful dose of his deliciousness. Here is one of him looking elegant in evening wear, and two of him in rather less, all screen caps from Chuck. How would you want your Adam Baldwin, unwrappable or already unwrapped. Surely the first and you could do it at your leisure – it’d be too nice a job to rush.




The last two were from “Chuck vs. The Undercover Lover.” And I know some of you would take him any way you could get him.

And just to bring more multimedia into your life, here is a little video of a seriously beefy Adam with great arms playing around with a can of soda.

Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Make it pop!

Thing Four

Yet more eye candy, this time our mini Brazilian boy Thiago Serpa. Here the aspiring young model dons his track suit pants and plays around with his seat…click on the smaller ones to make Thiago grow.


thiago_serpa12 thiago_serpa13 thiago_serpa14 thiago_serpa17


(Where would you like him to put it?)

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Filed under Cute Guys, Exercise

How’s It Going, AngloAm?

Going well, thanks for asking!

Friday my marvellous friends and we went to a Mongolian BBQ – yummy. I’m basically over inviting CH from work. He likes to be invited, I think, so he can feel important. Of course, it’s way more rewarding from him if I, puppy-dog like, keep asking him to come out with us. I think I’ll give it a rest. He’s not that good looking, and he’s definitely not that interesting.

Saturday my husband and I (I sound like Queen Elizabeth at Christmas, don’t I?) were supposed to work out/cut the grass/be productive. Beep! Nope. We lazed about. Sunday we lazed about until it was time to go visit my parents.

Work today wasn’t bad, honestly. Our financial adviser came by tonight to deliver the news that we’re doing quite well, actually, our debt isn’t high at all, our net worth has increased, and our plans are proceeding apace. He would like us to set aside more money for our retirement which I think we can do…stopping Neal will make it easier. He’d also like us to buy more shares as they’re on sale right now. We had a big salad for dinner and a lovely dessert C made with strawberries, Splenda, Sauternes, and sweetened fage (Greek yogurt very thick and mild and yummy and fat free). Mmmmmm. Mind you, because of buying hotdogs at work I’m way over my points for today. 😦

I know, I know, we still haven’t painted the door. I never worked out. (I still somehow managed to lose two pounds.)

A Thought You Should Ponder

I keep wondering (sorry, wonderin’) if we’re going to wake up in November to the reality of a sick old man being between us and a Palin Presidency (you betcha!). What are your thoughts? At least she’ll be certifiably free of the menace of witchcraft. I’m one of the four or five people who didn’t see the Saturday Night Live episode with La Palin on, but I doubt I missed much. Seriously – this woman will negotiate with foreign leaders, not just Putin when he ‘rears his head,’ on our behalf. Will direct the machinery of the federal government. Will represent the Presidency in dealings with congressmen who had their first bribes before she even graduated high school. (She did graduate high school, right?) And she’s a small-town mayor and two-year governor of Alaska. How hard can it be to be the governor of Alaska? The state’s awash in oil money and everyone votes Repug anyway.

Some Adamy Goodness

Chuck was on tonight – it was fantastic. In honor thereof, here is some Adam Baldwin goodness; some black and white goodness and some goodness from last week’s episode.

And Some Brazilian Goodness

Our newest mini-obsession is Brazilian model Thiago Serpa. I was noodling around and got stopped in my tracks by this 20 year old from Niteroi near Rio de Janeiro. I think it was his little sly smile that did it for me. Here’s the first installment – I hope you like him as we may be seeing quite a bit of him over the next few weeks. Try to wipe the drool off your monitor.

(Que Bom Gato!)


Filed under Cute Guys, Family, Politics